Linggo, Agosto 7, 2011

Internet in Education

Internet is very useful in education because nowadays students use internet as a research, playing games and reading some information of other people and Internet also has been the source of knowledge,, for how many years internet has provide thousands of information's about various aspects of studies. It has been introduced in education for more convenient use of of information .  We all know that education is the most important thing and this is the one that prioritize in every students or an individual person.
In using internet there are advantages and disadvantages. In advantages this could help us research for the some words that not be clear in our mind and research for a specific educational topic. in the disadvantages most of people use internet getting addicted and some people also they forgot to eat at the right time because they are more focusing in internet and a distraction also.But for me we even thou there are positive and negative in using internet it depends on the person how they use it as long as they know it so that they will not be addict and the limitation is always there.